Sunday, July 16, 2023

Chingay 2023 Rabbits Arts Venture


Chingay 2023 Rabbits ART-Venture is a group project co- created by students and staff of New Town Primary School with Tay Swee Siong. Phoebe (biggest rabbit in the installation) was last of her kind on Earth. All her friends were not with her anymore. She was always wondering around alone. On one fateful day, Phoebe was walking in a beautiful flower field where she saw a unique flower. Phone was immediately drown to it. As she walked closer to the flower, she could smell a sweet scent. She had never seen a flower like that. Suddenly, the sky turned grey. A ray of light shone at her, and she heard a voice: "Do you have a dream...?" Phoebe thought for a moment. "A dream..?! I dream.. to fly around the world." "I can help you fulfil your dream, one condition." "What is the condition?" Phoebe asked. "I want you to lead and serve others with your heart." This installation features Phoebe leading a group of colourful rabbits from different backgrounds. As Team Explorer R'100. they work together to create a new spacecraft to achieve missions, exploring the future possibilities of Singapore.

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